RFD 24 BRODIX Blower/Turbo - Solid
Price: $7,350
Complete with Bronze seats, Titanium intake valves, High Temp ex valves, PAC triple springs, Manley Ti retainers.
This RFD's BEST solid head for blown/turbo alcohol applications other then our billet. This is a very bad boy. Large intake ports with the area to handle a large volume of alcohol and boost. The best exhaust port we've ever had in a Brodix casting and a boost friendly 119cc chamber. We use a custom Brodix solid casting with the strength to handle large amounts of boost. Looking for big boosted power from a conventional and don't run water cooled, this is it !
Cylinder Head Specifics
Bore: | Not specified |
Intake Valves: | 2.35" Titanium |
Exhaust Valves: | 1.88" High Temp |
Flow: | 475 cfm intake, 355 cfm exhaust |
Other Specs
119 cc chamber
395cc intake ports
Brodix solid casting